• LiveGrain [HIDE DEVICE RX04]


      LiveGrain is a real-time audio granulator effect that features two independent buffers to record incoming audio and to play it back in a granular stream. Its structure allows for a wide array of uses, from the generation of short and rhythmic delay feedbacks, cloud-like reverbs, up to intense audio manipulations. VIDEO DEMO: 1) vimeo.com/468540209 2) vimeo.com/468540726 3) vimeo.com/468541182 The device…

    • M4L Bundle #1 [X01-X05]

      34.5% 10,5119,99 Original price was: €30,50.Current price is: €19,99.

      This special M4L bundle contains the first 5 devices of the HIDE XSeries. The total value of the bundle is 30,50€, with this bundle you can obtain our first 5 Ableton devices for just 19,99€

    • M4L Bundle #2 [X06-X10]

      24.2% 11,8036,90 Original price was: €48,70.Current price is: €36,90.

      This special M4L bundle contains 5 devices (06-10) from the HIDE XSeries: Gr4imulator [HDX06] Vela [HDX07] BlackBox [HDX08] Krynn [HDX09] Hpeggiator [HDX10] The total value of the bundle is 48,70€, with this bundle you can obtain our first 5 Ableton devices for just 36,90€ Devices are developed by T.U. (Luca Favaro) and Daniele Fabris (Leden) GUI & Design by SY/N…

    • M4L Sound Objects Pack [X11-X13]

      28.6% 2,004,99 Original price was: €6,99.Current price is: €4,99.

      Sound Objects is a double work that reimagines music production, comprehending a set of three percussive max for live instruments and a full album composed with them. The digital devices’ concept exceeds the traditional boundaries to create single instruments that can morph into a wider variety of percussive sounds. Departing from the ordinary concept of isolated instruments with fixed functions…

    • Mortem Sui [HSP02]


      We are proud to present “Mortem Sui” the second HIDE Productions SOUND PACK! Realised by Semionauta The sample pack contains 66 .wav files/loops: 24 FX, 21 percs, 7 tonals, 14 voices. HIDE | H-4 · HSP#2 Mortem Sui SOUND PACK [Preview track]

    • N—E [HIDE_TYPE_07]


      N—E is a new typeface distributed by HIDE Productions. “N—E” is an extreme and distorted font, which shapes are inspired to GAN generated shapes and meshes. This font is the official typeface of the new SY/IN’s album “New Economy” DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2020

    • N21 [HIDE_TYPE_13]


      h_prjct #6: N21 is a font designed by Alex Ortiga and inspired by Jannis Maroscheck’s Shape Grammars concept. The typeface is designed on a particular squared grid: a square subdivided into 9 smaller squares, the whole grid is also subdivided in the middle by an horizontal line and a vertical line. The verticles obtained with these construction guides are used…

    • NeoMayhem [HIDE_TYPE_27]


      NeoMayhem is a construction-grid typeface which follows geometric rules to shape its glyphs. The result is an aggressive fixed size font which includes 26 glyphs plus 10 glyph variations. Before buying, check out our End User License Agreement DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © HIDE Productions, Alex Ortiga 2025



      NEXTYPE is our first custom typeface designed by SY/IN. Nextype is a fresh and decorative font, every letter is available both uppercase and lowercase. 0-9 numbers and basic punctation are included in this first version of Nextype custom font. NEXTYPE shapes were inspired by Japanese kanji. This typeface is designed to be used in a dynamic and decorative way, to…

    • OBJ_01: LIQUIDS [by SY/IN and Whynoen]

      33.3% 16,0032,00 Original price was: €48,00.Current price is: €32,00.

      OBJ_01: LIQUIDS [by SY/IN and Whynoen] is the first 3D bundle by H-4 | HIDE Productions. The .zip file contains 8 HIGH POLY .obj files: 4 minimal liquid shapes designed by Dinara Garaeva (Whynoen) and 4 distorted and sharp shapes edited by Alex Ortiga (SY/IN). Those .obj files can be imported in every 3D software like Blender, C4D, Maya, DAZ,…

    • OBJ_PACK_02: HOOKS [by SY/IN and Whynoen]

      16.7% 4,0020,00 Original price was: €24,00.Current price is: €20,00.

      OBJ_PACK_02: HOOKS [by SY/IN and Whynoen] is the second 3D bundle by H-4 | HIDE Productions. The .zip file contains 6 MEDIUM/HIGH POLY .obj files: 3 minimal sharp shapes designed by Dinara Garaeva (Whynoen) and 3 shapes edited by Alex Ortiga (SY/IN). Those .obj files can be imported in every 3D software like Blender, C4D, Maya, DAZ, Meshlab, etc… Whynoen…

    • ReTrig [HIDE DEVICE RX02]


      ReTrig is a MaxForLivedevice based on the concept of random voltage triggering found in eurorack modules, its purpose is to generate random and always changing patterns of notes. It behaves similarly to an arpeggiator but instead of repeating notes in a sequence the device holds and retriggers each incoming MIDI Note separately at a random speed, creating a more complex…

    • SALIX [HIDE_TYPE_10]


      SALIX is a new custom display font distributed by HIDE Productions and designed by RSS. SALIX was designed during the pandemic period, inspired by the lots of non-pruned bare trees outside, which grew their sharp branches creating such a creepy atmosphere. This font includes uppercase alphabet, numbers, punctuation and also lots of foreign glyphs. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © HIDE…

    • SERPE [HIDE_TYPE_06]


      Serpe is a new custom type designed by Alex Ortiga and distributed by HIDE Productions. Serpe is conceived as a maiusc-only title font. Numbers are replaced with symbols which can be used as paragraph dividers or title decorations. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2020



      HIDE DEVICE SERIES 05: SIMMER The new and improved Simmer 2.0 is now available, the updated features are: Single [rec] button for a simpler and more fluid workflow; Improved Sync feature that allows for adjustable lengths and quantization of the recordings; With the Midi function the device is now compatible with being mapped to any controller. Simmer 1.5 has now…

    • Slivers [HIDE DEVICE RX03]


      SLIVERS, a granular looper developed by T.U. Slivers allows users to create complex and modulated sonic landscapes from a single audio sample. It uses the new Multi Channel Max/MSP feature to generate and control various property of each single grain (rate, duration, pitch, ecc.). MAX 8 Required – Developed for Ableton 10 & 11. Developed by T.U. (Luca Favaro) GUI…

    • Sorcery [HSP04]

      37.4% 2,995,00 Original price was: €7,99.Current price is: €5,00.

      We are proud to present “Sorcery” by Coeden (Giulio Spampinato), the fourth HIDE Productions SOUND PACK! The sample pack contains 83 .wav audio files. Every sample is a rhythmic analog sounds crafted with multiple synthesisers and wisely processed by Coeden. This sample pack was prepared for the collaborative playlist between HIDE Productions and Club Late Music. HIDE | H-4 ·…

    • Sylva [HIDE_TYPE_25]


      Sylva is a child of the forest. It is a font designed by Karin Fioritto (glyphs design and concept) and Alex Ortiga (italic version and technical fixes), inspired by the shapes the branches create when they tangle together. It is a typeface about expansion and connection. Every letter is connected to the other, growing in a disordered but yet natural…

    • VECTORPack_01


      20 HD vector shapes inspired to some of our classic fonts, so you can combine lettering and shapes to create unique designs. The pack includes a .ai file with 20 vectors, a .eps file and single png files (Instagram size). DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2022

    • Vela [HIDE DEVICE X07]


      Vela is a granular sampler based on the Pulsar Synthesis program developed and used by Curtis Roads in many of his works. Taking inspiration from Roads’ work, its key features are the masking capabilities and the envelope modulation that allows the user to create movement and direction in the grain streams without having to draw automation or to manually turn…

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