€12,90 – €24,90SALIX is a new custom display font distributed by HIDE Productions and designed by RSS. SALIX was designed during the pandemic period, inspired by the lots of non-pruned bare trees outside, which grew their sharp branches creating such a creepy atmosphere. This font includes uppercase alphabet, numbers, punctuation and also lots of foreign glyphs. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © HIDE…
€9,90 – €19,90Serpe is a new custom type designed by Alex Ortiga and distributed by HIDE Productions. Serpe is conceived as a maiusc-only title font. Numbers are replaced with symbols which can be used as paragraph dividers or title decorations. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2020
Sylva [HIDE_TYPE_25]
€12,90 – €24,90Sylva is a child of the forest. It is a font designed by Karin Fioritto (glyphs design and concept) and Alex Ortiga (italic version and technical fixes), inspired by the shapes the branches create when they tangle together. It is a typeface about expansion and connection. Every letter is connected to the other, growing in a disordered but yet natural…
€15,00 – €29,90“Voison” is an experimental font and it continues the aesthetic process of “Aether20”, “N21” and other of H-4 fonts designed by Alex Ortiga. “Voison” tries to push the borders of typography aesthetics however keeping the constructive forms at the base of the glyphs to a minimum. The outcome is a super sharp, abstract and minimalistic typeface. Further glyphs might be…
€4,90WORSE is our second custom typeface designed by SY/IN. Worse is a distorted and thin font, every letter is available both uppercase and lowercase. 0-9 numbers are included. Punctation is NOT available in this demo version of WORSE. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2019
Wyvern [HIDE_TYPE_16]
€12,90 – €24,90Wyvern is a font designed by Alex Ortiga (SY/IN) for URL_1 software / interactive digital installation developed by Luca Favaro (T.U.). Wyvern glyphs are inspired from traditional korean handwrited symbols and fantasy aesthatics. The family includes 2 styles: regular and cursed. DISTRIBUTION IS NOT ALLOWED © Alex Ortiga, 2021
Yakema [HIDE_TYPE_18]
€12,90 – €24,90Yakema is an experimental display font designed by Alex Ortiga and publishd by H-4 | HIDE Productions in 2022. Yakema evokes an immaginary and futuristic graffiti art aesthetic. Alongside with AON-09 and LARVA typefaces, their purpose is to create a new kind of aesthetic based on the cadence of the signs as a whole, and not the meaning of the…